About Us
Let’s get real—we ALL go to the bathroom.
And I’m even going to make the assumption that around half of the people reading this have Googled something in regards to a mystifying bowel movement. We decided to break down that barrier and launch this fun, poop-centric website, Hip2Poop.
Why We Are Hip2Poop

Reason 1: Poop is FUNNY.
Even if you’re a bit squeamish about it, you have to admit that there is so much about poop that’s funny. I mean, who can resist laughing at how adorable the smiling poop emoji is?

Reason 2: It’s April Fool’s Day!
Y’all know I love a good April Fool’s prank! Every year we try to outdo ourselves, and the jokes just get funnier and funnier. This year, we decided to launch an entire April Fool’s website.

Reason 3: It’s Relatable.
Not just for me, but for all of us. It’s no secret that I have struggled in the past with serious gut issues, so making light of a topic and opening up the dialogue for this kind of conversation is truly important to me.
Hip2Poop is truly a celebration of healthy movements while poking a little fun at the entire stigma that prevents us from speaking openly about poop.
We hope you have as much fun exploring the site as we have had creating it!